Product Category: Pre-made recombinant AAV; AAV-Synapsin-iCre; AAV-Syn-iCre; AAV1-Synapsin-iCre; AAV1-Syn-iCre
Cre recombinase is a type I topoisomerase from bacteriophage P1 that catalyzes the site-specific recombination of DNA between loxP sites. Cre recombinase is used as a tool to genetically modify genes, such as to delete a segment of DNA flanked by LoxP sites in cells or experimental animals. By optimizing the mammalian codon usage for Cre recombinase, Cre expression is improved in the mammalian cells. This codon-improved Cre (known as iCre) transgene shows lower CpG content from the prokaryotic coding sequence, thus reducing the chances of epigenetic silencing in mammals.
AAV1-Syn-iCre is a pre-packaged rAAV in serotype 1 (with capsid from AAV serotype 1 and
2xITR from AAV serotype 2) which over-expresses iCre recombinase under human
synapsin promoter for exclusive neuronal expression. This product used in the Cre-lox system as a genetic tool to generate site-specific recombination of DNA between loxP sites in cultured cells and animal experiments. Ready to use format.
Titer: > 1x1013 VG/mL
Size: > 30 µL (Std Pack)
Storage Buffer: PBS
Infection Protocol:
Vector Map:
SignaGen公司是一家专注于开发和生产基因转导工具的企业,服务于生物医学研究领域。借助我们独有的技术平台(美国专利商标局号码为 072308和61135606),SignaGen已经成功开发出三大类 DNA/siRNA转染试剂,经验证我们的产品比市场上主导产品效率更高,细胞毒性更低。更重要的是我们提供一个合理的价位。